Natural resources of China

美 [ˈnætʃrəl ˈriːsɔːrsɪz əv ˈtʃaɪnə]英 [ˈnætʃrəl rɪˈsɔːsɪz ɒv ˈtʃaɪnə]
  • 网络中国自然资源
Natural resources of ChinaNatural resources of China
  1. Preliminary research on the improvement of the law of agricultural natural resources of China


  2. Some measures for comprehensive exploitation and utilization of the garbage resource have been put forward for the purpose of enhancing the beneficial cycle and comprehensive utilization of the natural resources of China and increasing the economic and ecological value of the comprehensive exploitation and utilization of the resources .


  3. It is proved that the model is highly accurate and is suitable for the evaluation of the natural grassland resources of China .


  4. Natural Resources and Environment of China


  5. With the development of economic and improvement of living standards , the requirement of water is increased . Our country facing the baptism because the natural resources of water of China average per capita is low in the world .


  6. On the Green Exploitation of Natural Resources in Mining Areas of China


  7. Ways to exploit and utilize natural resources of poverty areas in China


  8. Utilizing WTO Green Box Policies Optimizing Natural Endowment of Forestry Resources of China


  9. Moreover , the coal 、 the natural gas 、 waterpower resources of China are abundant which offer the condition for manufacture of the hydrogen .


  10. On the River Systems is the first famous comprehensive work of geography of our country which gives an account of a vast amount of natural and cultural resources of ancient China .


  11. According to the characteristics of natural resources of oasis in western China , the utilization status , the actual problems and the development potentials were summarized and analyzed , and the development models of regional grass-industry were put forward in this paper .


  12. Natural forest is the main part of natural forest resources of China . The region of Western Sichuan is the second largest body of natural forest area of China , and it is an important ecological security barrier of water conservation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River .
